The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has released a new version of the EM 385-1-1 manual for 2024. The last official release was in 2014, so there are some quite significant updates.
This article will run through the key changes you must be aware of, ensuring you stay compliant and up-to-date with the latest safety and occupational health (SOH) requirements.
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What is EM 385 Training?
EM 385 training refers to mandatory training via a series of training interventions designed to educate workers on the safety and occupational health (SOH) requirements outlined in the EM 385-1-1 manual.
This training is compulsory for anyone involved in USACE activities. This includes military and government employees, contractors, and construction personnel working on military contracts.
Who Needs EM 385 Training?
The specific kind of training that is required depends on the individual’s role and responsibilities. Here is a summary of the different EM385 training categories:
40-Hour Training: A comprehensive course which covers the entirety of the EM 385-1-1 2024 manual. This is designed for Site Safety and Health Officers (SSHOs), Collateral Duty Safety Officers (CDSOs), managers, supervisors, and anyone requiring in-depth knowledge of the SOH requirements.
24-Hour Training: This course targets contractors, military/government personnel, and CDSOs. It satisfies a portion of the 24-hour refresher training mandated for CDSOs every four years.
16-Hour Training: An introductory course that provides an overview of the EM 385-1-1 manual. This is intended for contractors and military/government personnel who need to understand and comply with SOH standards.
8-Hour Training: A refresher course designed for SSHOs to maintain their annual training requirements. This training must be completed annually commencing one-year after the initial EM 385 40-hour training is issued. Trainees are free to obtain this refresher training from any provider – there is no mandate to use the same provider as the original 40-hour course.
EM 385 1-1 2024 What's New?
What is New in the 2024 EM 385-1-1 Manual?
The revised EM 385-1-1 manual has many significant changes aimed at both enhancing safety, and streamlining processes:
Optimized Manual Structure
The new EM 385 manual is completely reorganized into 37 focused chapters. Each chapter covers a specific safety topic. For ease of reference, all chapters follow a newly established structure with headings such as ‘Personnel Required Training’ and ‘Minimum Plan Requirements.’ This should facilitate users in quickly locating required information.
Additional Chapters
The revised manual introduces three brand new chapters:
Chapter 23: Rope Access
This chapter addresses the specific safety protocols and training requirements for personnel who perform tasks requiring rope access techniques.
Chapter 33: Uncrewed Aircraft
With the increasing use of drones (also known as UAV’s and UA’s) in various applications, this chapter establishes safety guidelines for operating drones within the scope of USACE projects.
Chapter 37: Emergency Operations
This chapter provides protocols and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency on a USACE related project.
Clarification of Training Requirements
The 2024 manual clarifies training requirements for different personnel categories, ensuring all individuals involved in USACE activities possess the necessary SOH knowledge.
Integration of New Systems
The revision brings in the newly established USACE Safety and Occupational Health Management System (CE-SOHMS), promoting a more comprehensive approach to safety management.
Elimination of Redundancies
The revised manual eliminates repetitive information and circular references often found in the EM385 2014 version.
Focus on Specific Requirements
This revision removes unsubstantiated requirements, ensuring all guidelines are adequately defined and have a clear safety purpose.
New and Updated Safety Requirements
The revised manual introduces new safety requirements in some areas, these include:
Clearer guidelines for the Blaster-in-Charge role and the development of comprehensive explosive site safety plans.
Fire Prevention and Protection
Enhanced protocols for fire watches and associated safety measures.
Loading Handling Equipment
Requirements for medical evaluations of personnel operating loading and handling equipment.
Emphasis on food-service worker training and implementation of effective pest control and extermination plans.
Vehicles, Machinery, and Mechanized Equipment
Focus on defensive driving training for personnel operating specific vehicles and equipment.
Key Differences for End Users of the new EM 385 2024 Manual
While the core principles remain the same, users can expect a difference in how they access and utilize the information within the manual.
Increased Manual Length
With the addition of new chapters, expanded content on specific safety topics, and the inclusion of more detail for various procedures, the revised manual is considerably longer than the previous version coming in at a massive 757 pages.
Use of Underlined Text
To highlight the revisions, all new or modified text is underlined. While this could be argued to be a poor formatting choice, it can also be a valuable tool for users familiar with the previous version, allowing them to quickly identify the updated information.
A Focus on Training
An emphasis on clearly defined training requirements in the 2024 manual highlights the significance of ongoing SOH education. By ensuring all personnel receive the appropriate training based on role and responsibility, USACE encourages a safety culture where everyone is empowered to identify and mitigate potential hazards.
Get EM 385 Certified
Keeping up to date with the latest safety regulations is essential for anyone involved in USACE activities. That’s why we offer comprehensive online EM 385 training programs designed from the ground up based on the EM 385 2024 revision.
Whether you need the in-depth 40-hour training or the 8-hour refresher course, we have a fast and efficient online course ready for you to start.
We think all trainees taking mandatory safety training should be able to try before they buy – you can check out a full demonstration Chapter of the training below: