Fast EM 385 1-1 Certification Online

Our training gets you EM 385 1-1 certified online fast and hassle free.

Take an instant access course on your laptop, tablet or phone and train at your own pace. Get your EM385 1-1 2024 Certification with QR Code Verification immediately upon completion.

Satisfy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) training requirements with our online courses on EM 385-1-1 manual safety compliance.

How EM385 Training Works

1. Choose your course

Select which EM385 course you need.

2. Checkout

Checkout securely using a Credit Card, Paypal or Apple Pay.

3. Complete the EM385-1-1 training online

Once you begin the course all progress is saved and you can pause and resume the training anytime.

4. Good Job! You’re Certified

You’re EM385-1-1 Certified and compliant. Your certificate and record is stored online and can be verified with QR code.

EM385-1-1 Training Certificate

After completing the training you will receive your instant EM385 training certificate proving you have completed the mandated hours of EM385-1-1 training and proven your competency via assessments.

All certificates are stored online with your transcript and can be verified at any time by scanning the QR code on the reverse of the certificate.

EM 385 1-1 40 Hour Training Certificate
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  • EM 385 1-1 training
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    40-Hour EM 385-1-1 Hazard Awareness Certification


    Workers seeking compliance with the US Army Corps of Engineers Contractor Safety and Health Requirements will receive an in-depth exploration of the EM 385 manual guidelines with this 100% online course. This course focuses on preventing jobsite hazards and how contractors can protect their employees.

  • EM 385 1-1 training
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    24-Hour EM 385-1-1 Hazard Awareness Certification


    The 24-Hour EM 385-1-1 online certificate course ensures that contractors, supervisors and government employees are compliant with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) standards for workplace safety and health.

  • EM 385 1-1 training
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    16-Hour EM 385-1-1 Hazard Awareness Certification


    16-hour EM 385 1-1 course is a starter course covering the regulations and requirements of EM 385 1-1’s manual’s guidelines. This training will help military contractors comply with Army Corps of Engineers Contractor Safety and Health Requirements.

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    8-Hour EM 385-1-1 Refresher Certification


    The 8 Hour EM 385-1-1 online refresher course is designed to keep Site Safety Health Officers (SSHOs), military contractors and government employees in compliance with annual refresher training requirements from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

100% Acceptance Guarantee

Our EM385 training certificate is accepted in all 50 US States. If for any reason your certificate is not accepted we offer a no questions asked money back guarantee within 30 days. Train risk free.

Note: The federal government, including NAVFAC, does not approve training programs. Government requirements are only that you must be educated in the safety standards.

Common Questions about EM385-1-1 Certification

Are the EM385-1-1 Courses Approved by USACE?

USACE and the federal government do not officially approve any training related to EM 385-1-1, so no course provider can earn this approval. Our EM 385-1-1 courses were developed by experienced Instructional Designers with a wealth of experience developing OSHA compliant certification programs. We recommend that students check with their employers to ensure that their course meets all training requirements.

How many tries do I get to pass the exams?

We build in knowledge checks, matching activities and short quizzes into the eLearning so you will find it really easy to remember what you need. If you do get too many questions wrong you can revise what you missed and retake each quiz as many times as needed. You can also take notes directly in the training with our integrated Notes app.

Is the EM385 1-1 Manual Included?

The electronic PDF version of the latest official EM385 manual is included for download in all courses. We recommened you download this and keep it open in another browser tab for reference, or print and ring bind a copy.

How Does the Group Training Work?

You select as many seats as you need to train your staff at checkout and bulk discounts are automatically applied. After checkout you will be created a Group Leader and redirected to your dashboard. Just enter staff emails to assign courses and track progress - everything is automated.

Why train with us?

Are you a contractor? Do you have plans to pursue any government construction contracts? If the answer to both questions is yes, then EM385-1-1 training is mandatory before you can start the bidding process for government construction contracts.

Why is EM 385-1-1 training required? In the event of a contracting officer finding a violation on a government construction project, you could be fined up to $2,000 per day until it is remedied, and your work will be halted until compliance is satisfied. Imagine that the violation takes 14 days or even a month to correct.

The fine could greatly impact your profits. EM 385 training gives you the knowledge needed to successfully win government construction work bids. In many cases, your bid will be rejected if it does not include a site-specific safety plan that meets all EM 385-1-1 requirements.


EM385 Training FAQ

We think we covered all the basics above but there may be some other questions you need answered before you begin your EM385 training. The chances are someone else has asked the same question, so feel free to check the FAQ’s down below.

Each individual lesson takes no more than 10 minutes so you’ll never get bored, and you can stop and resume the course as many times as you want. The course time for each course is clearly stated on each course information page – this is the minimum time required to complete the course.

If the certificate is not accepted by your employer for some reason we do offer a full money back guarantee on the price of purchased courses within 30 days of completion. 

We offer online verification of all certificates via QR code scan or with two clicks as standard service. Simply give your employer, or anyone else, the link written on the back of your certificate wallet card, and your unique certificate number, and they can instantly verify your name, unique certificate ID, the course you passed, and the issue and expiry dates of your certificate and the content covered in the EM385 training.

Absolutely. Our courses are designed with a ‘mobile first’ approach, you can use any Apple or Android device – all content will display perfectly.

Yes. Enrollment is automated in the checkout process and you can commence the training immediately.

Course certifications for 40 Hour, 24 Hour & 16 Hour courses have no expiry. 8 Hour certifications expire one year after issue because EM 385-1-1 standards stipulate this as an annual training requirement for SSHO’s. 

Our EM 385 training courses do not have a lengthy final exam at the end. We use targetted quiz assessments at the end of each module to check and reinforce what you learned. In fact, you will be taking MORE assessments than would be usual in a ‘final exam’ model, but you will not get overwhelmed as each assessment relates directly to what you have just studied. You must pass quizzes with an 80% score to proceed through the course, and pass every quiz in order to fully complete the course. You will learn everything you need to pass in each module and you can retake each quiz as many times as required. To get an idea of what’s involved you can take the EM 385 practice test.

No – no online course actually meets these requirements. Ultimately, employers are responsible for all hands-on safety training. Safety education is a three-phase process and seeks to ensure employees gain three different things: adequate knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Collectively these are known as (KSAs):

  1. Instruction to gain knowledge;
  2. Hands-on practice to gain skills;
  3. Evaluation of skills on the job to determine abilities.

Our modern online learning courses can be used to satisfy the knowledge component of the training. But, those topics that require hands-on practice using equipment to gain skills (for example confined space entry and fall protection), must be taught by an employer-designated competent person for the specific type of equipment the employees will be using on the job.

To satisfy the hands-on training requirement, employers will have their employees take our online training to satisfy the knowledge component, and then finish up the hands-on component of the training in the workplace.

Whichever method is used – online, instructor led or both –  the employer is always held accountable by USACE/OSHA to ensure employees are provided opportunity to practice with the equipment in the learning environment to gain adequate skills.

After the employer is satisfied that employees have gained adequate skills, employees must be evaluated on-the-job to verify they have gained adequate abilities to properly use equipment and perform tasks.

To determine if a topic requires hands-on practice and demonstration of skills refer to:

OSHA’s Publication 2254, Training Requirements in OSHA Standards.

Guidelines and Requirements for National Institutes of Health (NIH) Contractors

EM 385 training is a type of online safety training that covers the guidelines and regulations outlined in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Manual, or the EM 385-1-1 Manual for short. This manual contains the safety and health requirements for construction contract work related to military or government projects. You can find more details information what EM385 training is here.

EM385 training is compulsory for anyone who works on military and federally funded contracts or projects, including contractors and military or government employees expected to enforce or comply with EM 385-1-1. Even outside of this scope, the terms of individual contracts and/or the requirments of the funding organization may stipulate EM385 training.

Yes. All courses and assessments were rebuilt from the ground up to address the 2024 manual revision which contains substantial changes. This took us longer than expected but we wanted to get it right. Feel free to review the EM 385 2024 update changes. is an online business founded in 2021 to meet the growing demand for interactive, responsive em385-1-1 training. We aim to provide a 100% online model suitable for the new generation of workers. For more information please check About Us.

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